About Us
Hello and welcome to BeYoutiful Buttafly Boutique!
I'm LaTrice the founder/owner and I started BeYoutiful Buttafly Boutique in 2024, following a very dark, devastating, and painful season of loss and grief in 2022. The trials and tribulations that I faced were immense and felt absolutely inescapable. Facing loss after loss, challenge after challenge, painful moment after painful moment. I really got to know grief personally in ALL its forms. Grief for me was BIG and COMPLEX, as it was affecting every part of of my life!!!
I realized then that we not only grieve love ones in death, we grieve people in life, we grieve relationships, we grieve job and business losses, we grieve the thoughts, plans, ideas and expectations that never materialized, we grieve the life we had or the life we thought we would live, the time we thought we had and we even grieve who we once were and/or the parts or versions of ourselves that we are no longer able to be for whatever reasons that may be.
So, on top of all the other losses, it seemed I had lost myself too.🥺 Life as I knew it had changed and I felt completely lost in the darkness trying to find my way out to get back to a life that really no longer existed. Then I heard a poem that said...imagine the caterpillar inside its cocoon wondering if it's dying, only to find out in that darkness it grew wings and now can fly...That spoke to me and I felt that deeply. Butterflies are proof that beauty can emerge from the darkest places.
They are the embodiment of HOPE, TRANSFORMATION and REBIRTH. So, I had to dig deep into my faith, and I decided to start slowly embracing the beauty of change and like the butterfly, I started discovering my new wings and started to learn how to fly. So, I started BeYoutiful Buttafly Boutique to be a symbolic representation of the butterfly reminding us all that growth and change can be both painfully challenging yet a uniquely beautiful inspiring experience too. So hopefully the strength of the butterfly will help inspire your journey to transformation. 🦋
Thank you and have a BeYoutiful day on purpose.